Pooky Ponders – Big Questions with Brilliant People
Informal but informative.... Dr Pooky Knightsmith explores questions related to mental health and special needs. Sometimes it's deep, sometimes it's funny, it will always make you think...
Pooky Ponders – Big Questions with Brilliant People
How can we build effective learning relationships with every student? | Kevin Hewitson
Today’s question is: How can we build effective learning relationships with every student?
I’m in conversation with Kevin Hewitson
Kevin Hewitson has over 40 years of experience in teaching and has held pastoral and subject lead roles as well as having been an assistant principal responsible for teaching and learning strategies. His aim has always been to support teachers and engage both higher performing learners and those who find learning more of a challenge. He now works independently as an educational consultant, author, and speaker sharing his vision for learning and teaching with schools, teachers and pupils.
Website: http://www.ace-d.co.uk
Blog: https://4c3d.wordpress.com amaz
Book: https://amzn.to/3uy3fkZ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-hewitson-npqh-bphil-81438623/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/4C3d
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