Pooky Ponders – Big Questions with Brilliant People
Informal but informative.... Dr Pooky Knightsmith explores questions related to mental health and special needs. Sometimes it's deep, sometimes it's funny, it will always make you think...
Pooky Ponders – Big Questions with Brilliant People
What is autistic masking and why does it matter? | Jodie Smitten
In today’s episode I’m in conversation with Jodi Smitten, an expert in autism and we explore the question ‘what is autistic masking and why does it matter?
Jodie says: “I have worked in the field of autism since the age of 17 where worked in a respite home for children with complex medical conditions and learning disabilities as a support worker. Autism has been an interest of mine since.
After university where I studied Psychology, I worked with vulnerable young people within youth offending teams and youth services. Around 5 years ago our eldest daughter started to struggle more with some aspects of daily life and after self-blame we realised she was autistic. We made big changes to our parenting and moved to a smaller school, in the years that followed my special interest in autism became amplified.
3 years ago I became independent and my work with autistic children naturally flourished. I have the privilege of working alongside children and their families through assessments, identifications, accessing school adjustments, gaining deeper understandings and adjusting parenting approaches.
To support my work I felt it was important I had a formal qualification in autism and I have just passed the PG Cert in autism and Asperger syndrome with Dr Luke Beardon at Sheffield Hallam University. Luke has given me the much needed confidence to work from and speak my heart when it comes to supporting autistic children. I have now been accepted onto the Masters which I will start in September.
Having both personal and professional experience of autism enables me to work with families with a wider perspective and understanding. I feel passionate about the work that I do.”
You can follow Jodie on twitter @JodieSmitten and her Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/BehaviourSupportWiltshire/
Luke Beardon’s book that Jodie mentioned: https://amzn.to/38hN6GB
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