Pooky Ponders – Big Questions with Brilliant People
Informal but informative.... Dr Pooky Knightsmith explores questions related to mental health and special needs. Sometimes it's deep, sometimes it's funny, it will always make you think...
Pooky Ponders – Big Questions with Brilliant People
How can we let go of our 'adultness' and play? | Greg Bottrill
Today’s question is “How can we let go of our 'adultness' and play?” and I’m in conversation with Greg Bottrill
Greg Bottrill is an education author and childhood advocate. A former Early Years leader and assistant Headteacher, Greg is the author of two books 'Can I Go and Play Now?' and 'School and the Magic of Children' both of which explore the richness of play and how education can embrace it so that education is done with children not to them. He is also the creator of the Message Centre and Adventure Island, two wonderful ways of sprinkling magic over early learning, as well as the Play School TV Youtube channel that shows how learning and play belong together and always will do.
Books: https://amzn.to/3jjgAbV
Website: http://www.canigoandplaynow.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canigoandplaynow/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/canigoandplay
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/can_i_go_and_play_now/
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